How to Join NBCI

NBCI MEMBERSHIP Once your church joins the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), you and your congregants will immediately have access to resources, information, directories and much more. These benefits are included but not limited to:
  1. Creating Fellowship through the Word of God, the Bible
  2. Wellness &Health Information through NBCI's custom programming
  3. Discounts for your church on web design and video production, in addition to a 30% discount on all NBCI programming
  4. Continuing Education workshops through our Financial Literacy Programs � tailored advice for you and your congregants on how to grow your wealth and save your earnings.
  5. Email blast services for your congregation
  6. Access to regional black church directories and a nationwide database of 150,000 churches.
  7. Grant consideration to potentially receive up to $10,000 in congressional assistance
  8. Subscription to NBCI's annual newsletter
  9. Your church's information displayed on NBCI's website
  10. Access to NBCI's web resources to publicize your church's activities such as anniversaries

$150 Annually - Individuals

    Individual members of NBCI receive:
  • Advance notice of NBCI Events, Seminars and Demonstrations
  • Discounts on products offered by NBCI partners and affiliates
  • NBCI Newsletter and copies of NBCI documents restricted from print
$350 Annually - Churches and organizations

There are two ways that you can pay your annual dues.
Please make check out to the:
National Black Church Initiative
Membership Dept.

National Black Church Initiative
P.O. Box 65177
Washington, DC 20035
Request more information via form below
List Church Involvement into Social Justice Ministries:
Zip Code
Questions, Inquiries and Comments:

The Black Church - Standing Up for Christ

  • How NBCI Is Organized
  • Corporate Capability Statement
  • NBCI Partnerships
  • NBCI Faith Community Financial Pro?le
  • How Your Church Can Join

The Black Church - Strength of the Black Community

NBCI Core Program Mission Guide
  • Communication and Distribution Network
  • NBCI Current Core Programming
  • How NBCI Is Organized
  • Key Churches

Reverend Evans has benn recognized by Aetna Health Insurance company as an individual moving health and wellness messages to the forefront.

aetnacalendar-img For 30 years, Aetna has celebrated African American history through the publication of its African American History Calendar.

This calendar celebrates remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to inspiring and empowering others to spend time taking care of their minds, bodies and spirit.

Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D. Professor and Author Gives His Endorsement of the National Black Church Initiative Methodology Approach

Dr. Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D.
BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network