The National Black Church Initiative Current Fiscal Organizational Status

  • NBCI is 501C status organization in good standing.


  • Anthony Evans
  • Debra Bagby- Coley
    Title: Chair of the Board
    Occupation: Nonprofit Program Director
  • Nathan Grimsly
    Title: Vice Chair
    Occupation: Engineer
  • Jesse Coley
    Title: Secretary of the Board
    Occupation: Social Services Program Specialist
  • Lynette Miller Dixon
    Title: Treasurer
    Occupation: Child Development Specialist and Owner


  • Virginia Washington
    Title: Former Chair of the Board
    Occupation: Nonfit Program Executive
Reverend Evans has been recognized by Aetna Health Insurance company as an individual moving health and wellness messages to the forefront.

For 30 years, Aetna has celebrated African American history through the publication of its African American History Calendar.

This calendar celebrates remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to inspiring and empowering others to spend time taking care of their minds, bodies and spirit.