NBCI hopes to add an additional 5 full time employees and 2 part time employees, bringing the numbers to 32 full time employees and 13 part time employees.
Percentage increase of full time employees – 18.5%
Percentage increase of part time employees – 18%
NBCI hopes to increase its budget by $350,000, bringing the total budget to $2,230,000 million.
Health Disparities
NBCI will continue to consult with regional health officials throughout the country concerning our key churches.
NBCI will continue to distribute health information through faith-based communities until the threat is gone.
NBCI will continue to focus on health disparities that are affecting the Black, Asian, and Latino communities.
During the 2010 NBCI Health Priority Targeting Seminar, priorities will be set for 2011.
Childhood Obesity
NBCI hopes to engage an additional 50,000 children online at kidbalance.com.
NBCI plans to distribute an additional 50,000 NBCI health and wellness kits to these children.
Adult Obesity
NBCI will continue to conduct the Black Women’s Health and Wellness Program.
NBCI will choose five additional cities in which to conduct the Health and Wellness Program.
NBCI will consult with National Institute of Health, CDC and National Women’s Health projects around the country in order to strengthen its programmatic approach.
NBCI will continue this program annually with the suggestions gained from the consultations.
Jerusalem Walk
NBCI will choose eight new cities in which to launch the program by the end of 2011.
Financial Literacy
NBCI will continue to focus upon the low-income communities and preaching the value of saving from our pulpit.
NBCI hopes to increase the number of low-income individuals creating savings account by an additional 50,000.
Information Technology Literacy (The Digital Divide)
NBCI faith communities will continue to have Internet access via kiosks placed in key churches.
Employee Evaluations
NBCI will continue to hold annual yearly employee evaluations.
This evaluation will provide targeted training to build the capacity to increase the number of individuals served through our initiative by 15% every year, with an emphasis on serving vulnerable populations.
Capacity Building and Training
NBCI will continue to hold seminars in each
of the command centers in order to increase the capacity to serve more people.