Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D. Professor and Author Gives His Endorsement of the National Black Church Initiative Methodology Approach

Dr. Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D.
BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

NBCI Search

Reverend Evans has benn recognized by Aetna Health Insurance company as an individual moving health and wellness messages to the forefront.

aetnacalendar-img For 30 years, Aetna has celebrated African American history through the publication of its African American History Calendar.

This calendar celebrates remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to inspiring and empowering others to spend time taking care of their minds, bodies and spirit.

The Black Church - Standing Up for Christ

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The Black Church - Strength of the Black Community

NBCI Core Program Mission Guide
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Future Areas of Interest

Reentry Program
  • NBCI is interested in and committed to providing comprehensive care and mentorship to children of incarcerated parents.
  • NBCI currently has 50 churches around the country conducting reentry programs. We plan to increase this number to 250. Future plans involve expanding existing programs and focusing upon areas such as the mentoring children of incarcerated individuals, working with state, federal, and local authorities to reduce repeat offenses and providing referrals technical assistance to help returning individuals choose a profession.
Crime-Prevention Plan
  • NBCI has partnered with the Prince George’s County State Attorney’s office to create crime-prevention-models targeting young African American males. This project will last one year and be focused in Capital Heights, MD, where the crime rate has risen 87% in the last two and a half years. If this model is successful, we hope to write up its curriculum and share it with other churches around the country.
  • The elements of this model are based upon current, successful, science-based programs concerning crime-prevention.
  • The uniqueness of NBCI’s model is that it is faith-based and we offer a five-monitoring service through our faith-based communities.
  • Housing counseling