Don't miss out on the chance to participate in our comprehensive series and earn up to 3.0 free CME/CE credits. This series will delve into crucial topics by our panel of experts and discuss how to:
- Implement strategies to overcome barriers to viral suppression in PLWH and co-occurring SUD.
- Implement ART switching strategies to overcome HIV treatment resistance.
- Utilize team-based interdisciplinary care to optimize HIV and comorbidity outcomes in aging patients.
- Integrate guideline recommended HIV treatment into perinatal care.
This educational opportunity is not to be missed!
People Living with HIV (PLWH) and Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD): Addressing Barriers to Viral Suppression
Presented by: Michael Fingerhood, FACP, DFASAM, AAHIVS and Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN
Switching ART Due to Treatment Resistance
Presented by: Michael Fingerhood, FACP, DFASAM, AAHIVS and Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN
Team Approach to Addressing Comorbidities in Aging Populations of PLWH
Presented by: Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH and Milena Murray, PharmD, MSc, BCIDP, AAHIVP, FCCP
ART for PLWH Who Are Pregnant or of Childbearing Potential
Presented by: Rana Chakraborty, MD, MSc, FAAP, FRCPCH, D.Phil. (Oxon), FPIDS, FIDSA and Judy Levison, MD, MPH
This series is supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences, Inc.