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NBCI Health Television

Seven Steps - Raising Healthy Children Raising Healthy Children: A Guide for African American Families
American Academy of Pediatrics and The Congress of National Black Churches

NFL player Ronde Barber, photographer Shari Belafonte, and former Surgeon General David Satcher, MD offer 7 steps for learning, nutrition, regular exercise, and more.
The Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables: A Scientific Overview The research behind eating more fruits and vegetables
The Black Church and the Importance of Good Nutrition
What the black church needs to
say to its congregations
about good nutrition.
How Science-based and Community-based
Organizations May
Work with the
Black Church

Producing Effective
Health Promotion
and Policy Initiatives
NBCI Declares WAR on Tobacco, Smoking and Tobacco
African American
Leaders Call on
Tobacco Industry
to Stop Targeting
Their Community

Links to Minority Health Resources

NBCI (HED) Health Television

Health Emergency Declaration (HED)

HED Food Basket Panel pt. 1

The National Black Church Initiative Health Emergency Declaration Health Panel has decided to make healthy food baskets the symbol of the Baltimore Health Community Project. These baskets will contain healthy fruits, vegetables, and grains — in addition to health information and healthy recipes - packaged in an attractive way to achieve HED’s objective.

The objective is to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables by 150% among NBCI member churches and congregations. Instead of distributing fruit and vegetables throughout the congregation, the Health Panel and HED Clinical Behavioral Team has decided that this approach will be absorbed more effectively by the African American community.

HED Food Basket Panel
pt. 2

HED Food Basket Panel
pt. 3

HED Food Basket Panel
pt. 4


Patti LaBelle, Living with Diabetes Public Service Announcement

The PSA features singer and author Patti LaBelle and registered dietitian Jeannette Jordan, a certified diabetes educator. This PSA will help educate consumers on the benefits of healthy eating and seeking nutrition counseling from a registered dietitian.

Eating Well and Staying Healthy Public Service Announcement

ADA's public service announcement featuring registered dietitian and ADA Spokesperson Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, LD.

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight Public Service Announcement

ADA's new public service announcement featuring registered dietitian and ADA Spokesperson Cathy Nonas, MS, RD, CDE, CDN.

Registered Dieticians: Your Link to Nutrition and Health

ADA maintains a strong commitment to promoting the registered dietitian as the most valued source of food and nutrition information. This five-minute video, featuring ADA media spokespeople, highlights the expertise of registered dietitians.