What is Atrial Fibrillation?
Atrial fibrillation, often called AFib or AF, is the most common type of treated heart arrhythmia.
The condition contributes to about 158,000 deaths each year. The death rate from AFib as the primary or a contributing cause of death has been rising for more than two decades.
Photo by Ono Kosuki from Pexels
This is "The Year of Clinical Trial Diversity"!
National Black Church Initiative has been working to develop new resources to help promote diversity in clinical trials. We have five new public service announcements, a blog, and an infographic to encourage minorities to join clinical trials. The videos feature Shirley Miller, who is living with sickle cell disease, or Dr. Luciana Borio, Acting Chief Scientist at FDA. They share their views on why diversity in clinical trials matter and encourage patients to learn more.
Colon Cancer – A Preventable Tragedy A National Faith – Based Strategy
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates there are nearly 42 million African Americans, comprising about 13 percent of the total US population. The U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group estimates that approximately 18,000 African American men and women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2013, and in just that same year, 6,850 of them died from it.
Connecting African American Communities to Free Multiple Myeloma Information, Expert Care, and Support
The purpose of the Myeloma Link Pilot Program was to implement a church-based initiative in black communities, particularly low-income communities, in an effort to: 1) heighten awareness of myeloma; 2) increase knowledge about the disease and treatment; 3) provide information and resources that will empower patients to seek novel treatments and enroll in clinical trials in a timely manner, and 4) encourage patients and caregivers to use a new, sustainable support infrastructure.
NBCI Corporate Capability Statement
NBCI has the capability of reaching African American and Latino target populations with health literature and information anywhere in the United States where there are black churches.
Health Emergency Declaration (HED) Kick-off
The press conference was held March 28, 2010 at the Israel Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD, kicking off a seven year commitment to healthier lifestyles for all African Americans through education, pre-screening, improved diet, physical exercise, and clinical trials
Baltimore represents the first HED health community, one of 35 such communities across the country.
Sickle Cell Literature Church Distribution
The National Black Church Initiative has provided literature on Sickle Cell Anemia to churches. Continue to view images of this activity