Teaching African Americans to Budget, Save and Plan for the Future

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Why Don't More Financial Advisors Look Like Lazetta Braxton"? - How to Address the Industry's Race Problem More black families are entering the economic mainstream, have more income and are saving for college and retirement.... They need advice and [the financial services industry] is passing up millions of dollars by not reaching out to them. -Rev. Anthony Evans

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The SHIBA Report is very comprehensive. It provides a detail view into the real numbers and facts that impact and impede Black families from realizing the dream of homeownership. NAREB is committed to changing the statistics through our members and industry relationships. Our goal is to continue to show Black families the issues which affect them, and bring solutions to overcome these barriers.
The first SHIBA report was published in 2013. Since that time, NAREB has moved beyond the data to provide solutions. Find out more at one of our many chapters across the country, or simply contact us at our corporate office.
Click here to download the 2019 SHIBA Report
Seniors Were Sold a Risk-Free Retirement with Reverse Mortgages. Now They Face Foreclosure

Urban African American neighborhoods are hardest hit as nearly 100,000 loans have failed.
by Nick Penzenstadler and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, USA TODAY
In a stealth aftershock of the Great Recession, nearly 100,000 loans that allowed senior citizens to tap into their home equity have failed, blindsiding elderly borrowers and their families and dragging down property values in their neighborhoods...

CommunityBuilt in founded on three building blocks:
- Work with city leaders and key housing experts and community stakeholders to make foreclosed homes available to middle class families.
- Provide those families with financial literacy classes and emphasize the mortgage first principle, and continue to mentor these families over a ten year period.
- Each family served in turn commits two years of volunteer service towards the goal of Community Built.
We are in need of a grant of one million dollars to sustain this extraordinary momentum to continue to help these families and build strong communities.
As a result of working in 17 cities, we have created a housing volunteer force of 23,000. The cities are New York, Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Baltimore, Richmond, Philadelphia, Savannah, Prince George’s County, Washington DC, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Dallas, Ft. Worth and Los Angeles.
NBCI is a coalition of 34,000 churches working to eradicate racial disparities in healthcare, technology, education, housing, and the environment. NBCI’s mission is to provide critical wellness information to all of its members, congregants, churches and the public. NBCI offers faith-based, out-of-the box and cutting edge solutions to stubborn economic and social issues. NBCI’s programs are governed by credible statistical analysis, science based strategies and techniques, and methods that work.
Meeting identifies current needs, and addresses gaps in existing solutions.

What Home Sellers Don't Tell Buyers

As buyers ease back into the battered real-estate market, they’re often hitting a stumbling block: fibbing by home sellers.
10 Rookie Home Buyer Mistakes to Avoid

by Kimberly Castro
With the extension and expansion of the popular first-time home buyer tax credit, which President Obama signed into law in November, as well as price declines and attractive mortgage rates, an influx of qualified first-time buyers are rushing to take advantage of the market. Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Economy.com, projects there will be 1.84 million home sales to first-time home buyers in 2010, compared with 1.73 million in 2009. If you're a property virgin about to take the plunge, here are some common blunders to avoid?and helpful tips that could mean the difference between financial security and a mountain of debt:National Black Church Initiative Foreclosure Prevention Guide
This user-friendly booklet is designed to provide congregants and the public with critical and helpful information on how to keep their home. The booklet will consist of a list of government-based agencies and private lenders that can assist at risk borrowers.
This step-by-step guide will also help them to identify resources in the housing industry that have been created for the explicit purpose of assisting homeowners who are touched by the current difficulties. The booklet contains websites, phone numbers, lists of individuals and institutions that can help borrowers navigate through this housing turbulence.
Order this booklet for the residents of your state, county or city now!
Call 1-202-744-0184
NCRC Home Affordable Modification Program Survey 2010
Within two weeks of taking office, the Obama administration announced the Making Home Affordable Program as part of a
comprehensive strategy to stabilize the U.S. housing market. This public-private partnership combines the Home Affordable Refinance
Program ("HARP") and the Home Affordable Modification Program ("HAMP") in an effort to increase the number of sustainable
mortgage modifications.
The NCRC HAMP Mortgage Modification Survey is one of the first concerted efforts to both understand the effectiveness of the
Home Affordable Modification Program and to document the experiences of homeowners throughout the modification process.
Foreclosure in the Nation's Capital: How Unfair and Reckless Lending Undermines Homeownership
Like the foreclosure crisis nationwide, the DC crisis has been driven by subprime and nontraditional lending. Subsequently, neighborhood decay accelerates, due to loss of property
tax revenue, decline of home values, and increased crime and vandalism. The importance of these transformations can hardly
be overstated; as the latest report from Pew's Economic Mobility Project indicates, neighborhood conditions are the strongest
predictor of adults' upward or downward economic mobility.
This paper focuses on two major issues outlined above. First, it focuses on potential disparities in subprime lending that are not explained by borrowers' financial qualifications or housing market characteristics. Then, the paper turns its attention
to the impact of such lending disparities, among other factors, on foreclosure outcomes.
Foreclosure Rescue Scams: A Nightmare Complicating the American Dream
Each year counselors within the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) Housing Counseling Network assist thousands
of consumers. US Department of Housing and Urban Development certified housing counselors understand that for each
and every family we counsel, the possibility of losing their home to foreclosure is real and terrifying. However, the reality
that scam artists are preying on the vulnerability of desperate homeowners is equally frightening.
This report identifies common scams perpetrated against consumers, including phantom help, reverse mortgages, title theft, and
short sale fraud, and highlights those important red flags that every homeowner must know. In addition, NCRC's findings demonstrate
that an aggressive legislative solution and added public and private oversights and enforcement is necessary to prevent consumers
from being harmed.
Opening the Door to a Home of Your Own
If you're like most Americans, owning your own home is a major part of the American dream. The Fannie Mae Foundation wants to help you understand the steps you have to follow to reach that dream. Homeownership is a big responsibility, one that you will need to accept for many years to come. It's worth the effort, and the Fannie Mae Foundation can help.
You may not be familiar with us. We were formed and funded by Fannie Mae, which is a private company chartered by Congress to provide funds to local lenders for home mortgages in communities across America.
The Fannie Mae Foundation is a nonprofit organization. Among other activities, the Foundation provides information useful to Americans who want to buy a home. We know that the whole process of getting a mortgage can be confusing, so an important service we provide is information such as this guide.
10 Rookie Home Buyer Mistakes To Avoid
It was supposed to be a momentous occasion for Brian, who was about to close on his first home.
But after signing a thick stack of documents--and taking part in the ceremonious passing of the
keys—something felt off for the then 26-year-old Montgomery County, Md., resident. There
wasn't even a chilled bottle of bubbly or a housewarming gift to punctuate this pivotal moment.
"My Realtor told me that I can take him out for a steak," recalls Brian, who prefers that only his
first name be used to guard his privacy. "He made me feel like I owe him something, when he
just got paid a $12,000 commission. It felt like a kick in the face."
Consumer Guide to Affordable Housing
On behalf of the Michigan Mortgage Lenders Association (MMLA) Consumer Education Committee, we would like to take a moment to thank you for spending time with us and learning more about the home-buying process. We are committed and dedicated to the real estate finance profession and want to make a positive impact on the lives of as many residents as possible in the state of Michigan. We hope that you find the content of this Consumer Guide to be helpful as you begin the process of becoming a homeowner.
Please keep this consumer Guide in a safe and convenient location where you can reference it in the future for information, or pass it along to others you know who might be interested in learning more about the home-buying process.
5 Tips for Avoiding Foreclosure Scams
1. Work only with a nonprofit, HUD-approved counselor.
2. Don't pay an arm and a leg.
3. Be wary of "guarantees."
4. Know what you are signing--and be sure you sign it.
NBCI Assists a Homeowner in Need
Creative Solutions for the Foreclosure Crisis
- Fannie Mae Neighborhood Stabilization Forum - February 10, 2009
Solutions for Stabilizing Neighborhoods While Expanding Homeownership - NBCI Addresses Foreclosure Crisis at MI Roundtable Summit
Meeting identifies current needs, and addresses gaps in existing solutions.