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Autism and Autism Speaks Additional Resources Section

NBCI is pleased to provide educational and informational materials for parents, physicians and educators interested in learning more about autism.

For an informational flyer for parents with concerns about their child, click here.
Autism information for parents

For an informational flyer on how clinicians, educators and other professionals can promote early access to care, click here. Autism information for professionals

Message to Educators
For a short introduction to the "Talking to Parents About Autism" kit and its materials Click here. Autism for educators

Health Emergency Declaration (HED)


The National Black Church Initiative has partnered with Autism Speaks as a part of our Health Emergency Declaration, in recognition of the significance of autism spectrum disorders to the African American community

Autism Speaks Early Access to Care Initiative

Lowering the average age of diagnosis and increasing access to early intervention for all children

Autism Speaks Early Access to Care initiative seeks to reduce the average age of diagnosis and increase access to high-quality early intervention for all children on the autism spectrum.

Studies demonstrate that signs of autism emerge as early as 6 to 12 months. Thanks to research, we also have effective tools for screening children for autism risk as early as one year and diagnosing autism by age two. Yet the average age of diagnosis in the United States remains stubbornly close to five years, and is even later in some ethnic minority communities.

Improving this unacceptable situation will take the combined efforts of families, healthcare professionals, educators and autism advocates in every community.

Step 1: Understand Developmental Milestones and Learn More about Autism


Step 2: Screen Your Child and Talk to Your Healthcare Provider


Step 3: Access Early Intervention Services


Step 4: Learn About Autism Treatments and Find Them in your Area

By spreading autism awareness, we can help families with affected children seek more information.