Give Now, Be Blessed

The National Black Church Initiative Charitable Funds

Image of child from Baby Navigator

The National Black Church Initiative strongly encourages everyone to make an annual contribution to each one of these life-saving funds. We believe that if ten million individuals make an annual contribution of $100.00, the Black Church will be able to mercifully assist tens of thousands of families, thus avoiding issues around abuse, violence, hopelessness, and despair. We gracefully urge all our members who are now healthy and able to give a sacrificial offering of $100.00 annually will not only be ---blessed and celebrated, but these funds will be around when they find themselves in need.

Our motto is therefore to “Give Now, Be Blessed.”

None of these funds are presently operational. They cannot be until you give. There will be an active green dot by each of the funds once they become operational. Therefore, in the meantime, please give your $100.00 donation which is tax-deductible.

The Baby Fund

This Fund is to assist mothers with childcare, food, clothing transportation, and other related costs when caring for a newborn or a child up to age three.

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The BabyFund logo

The Black Breast Cancer Fund

This Fund’s focus is to assist families who are dealing with the issues around and related to breast cancer. This Fund will also assist with but is not limited to transportation, food, mental health, and other health-related services.

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NBCI Prescription Drug Assistance Program

This Fund is to assist individuals and families who are having problems obtaining life-sustaining drugs due to cost and other related issues.

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The Health Fund

This Fund is dedicated to assisting NBCI members and the general public who are dealing with chronic health issues. This Fund will also assist with but is not limited to transportation, food, mental health, and other health-related services.

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The National Rent Assistance Fund

This Fund will assist families who are dealing with the issue of high rent. Its primary focus will be the elderly without dependents, single parents with infants and children up to 6 years old, the mentally and physically challenged, and poor working families whose annual income is $30,000 or below.

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The Widow Fund

The Widow Fund is only for widows and widowers who are members of NBCI Churches in good standing.

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NBCI Economic Development Fund

The Economic Development Fund’s purpose is to create economic ventures to employ NBCI members and those who are in need.

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NBCI Lupus Fund

This Fund’s focus is to assist families who are dealing with the issues around and related to Lupus. This Fund will also assist with but is not limited to transportation, food, mental health, and other health-related services.

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NBCI Sickle Cell Fund

This Fund’s focus is to assist families who are dealing with the issues around and related to Sickle Cell. This Fund will also assist with but is not limited to transportation, food, mental health, and other health-related services.

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NBCI Sunday School Fund

NBCI vows to bring 6 million children back to Sunday School. Sunday School is the most important school in any child’s life. Tens of billions of children across the world credited Sunday School as their first lesson of Almighty God through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Please help us raise 5 million dollars to bring those children back to Sunday School and away from a violent existence.

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Sunday School - Grow in Christ

NBCI African American Cinema and Contemporary Art Production Fund

This fund is to assist African American artists in the production of all forms of Creative art. The fund will assist in literature, film, plays, and all expressions of and about Africa and the entire Diaspora. The objective is to educate the world on the importance of arts in the history of African people worldwide.

The fund will be used to document and use technology to guarantee that the history and contribution of Africans are never lost, explored, or manipulated to any form of Western valves.

The African Values must be paramount.

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Placeholder image of Arts fund

Contact Us

National Black Church Initiative
P.O. Box 65177
Washington, DC 20035
P: (202) 744-0184
  • USFCR Verified Vendor