Read the full NBCI Anti-Discrimination document .pdf [171kb]
How to Join NBCI

Once your church joins the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), you and your congregants will immediately have access to resources, information, directories and much more.
How NBCI Is Organized
How is The National Black Church Initiative Organized?
- NBCI is organized by dividing the country into five geographic areas.
- Key Churches
- NBCI Communication and Distribution Network
Current Fiscal Organizational Status
- NBCI is 501C status organization in good standing.
- Board of Directors
- Board of Directors Compilation of Board Action from 2009 to 2013

Information on NBCI President Rev. Anthony Evans

Black Church Consumer Index Survey Project (BCCIS)
The National Black Church Initiative's (NBCI) Black Church Consumer Index Survey (BCCIS) is an innovative tool to track and analyze up-to-date data covering our membership's interactions with the market place. BCCIS enables NBCI to better understand the behaviors and patterns corresponding to a wide array of products and issues across our 34,000 churches and 15.7 million members.Because of our defined geographical communities and the fact that the Church has such a commanding presence in the life and culture of African Americans the Church continues to play avital role in bringing every segment of the African American population together around key social issues. There are no demographics that the church is not able to organize, influence and create communities around specific issues, products and educational movements. This is why NBCI has moved with undue speed to technologically connect these segments of the population together with their churches, using the modern technology of websites, emails and social networking systems over the last five years.
The Purpose and Mission of the Black Church
On March 21, 2012, HDS professor Charles Adams explains in a powerful sermon/lecture, the true nature of the Black Church which this initiative is centered, at a Noon Service hosted by HDS Baptists. HDS Noon Service events present a weekly opportunity for the HDS community to pray or meditate with each other across many respective traditions.
Rev. Dr. Charles G. Adams to Receive NAACP Lifetime Award for 50 Years of Giving Back to the Community
By Laydell Wood Harper
Tell Us Detroit
BCNN1s Man of the Year selection recognizes people of faith who impact culture and society with their Christian worldview.
One of the most effective ways to influence culture is through the written word published on the largest communication medium in history -- the internet. Reverend Evans and these men and women have used the internet to speak out on important and controversial issues in 2012.
Reverend Evans has been recognized by Aetna Health Insurance company as an individual moving health and wellness messages to the forefront.

For 30 years, Aetna has celebrated African American history through the publication of its African American History Calendar.
This calendar celebrates remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to inspiring and empowering others to spend time taking care of their minds, bodies and spirit.
Read Reverend Evans' 2011 Aetna African American History Calendar entry
Cain Hope Felder, Ph.D. Professor and Author Gives His Endorsement of the National Black Church Initiative Methodology Approach
As Professor of Biblical Studies at Howard U. School of Divinity and Chair for the
Biblical Inst. for Social Change, Inc, I am proud to be part of the leadership team of the
National Black Church Initiative headed by my former student Rev. Anthony Evans. I
have worked closely with Brother Evans in his capacity as NBCI's President and observed close
up his engagement of many difficult social issues that have come to challenge the ministry of
African American churches across our Nation.
The Black Church - Standing Up for Christ
- How NBCI Is Organized
- Corporate Capability Statement
- NBCI Partnerships
- NBCI Faith Community Financial Profle
- How Your Church Can Join
The Black Church - Strength of the Black Community
NBCI Core Program Mission Guide
- Communication and Distribution Network
- NBCI Current Core Programming
- How NBCI Is Organized
- Key Churches